— Я хочу изучать
1) выздороветь, оправиться от болезни, прийти в себя после обморока
Синонимы: to recover, to cure, to heal, to come to one's senses
Пример: When a deep injury is done to us, we never get round until we forgive. (Alan Paton)
2) дойти (до сути дела), приняться (за что-либо), начать, заняться
Синонимы: to grasp, to comprehend; to settle to, to sit down to, to set about, to take up
Пример: Dickens, as you know, never got round to starting his home page. (Terry Pratchett)
3) уговорить, убедить, перехитрить
Синонимы: to talk into, to persuade, to urge, to coax, to cajole, to outwit, to outfox, to outmaneuver
Пример: My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to get round my wife to marry me. (Michael Franti)
4) посетить, нанести визит, навестить
Синоним: to visit, to drop in
Пример: Whenever I played Columbus, Ohio, I got round to my close friend, a medium who had mysterious powers. Her Indian guide was Mohawk. (Ethel Waters)
5) привести в гости
Синонимы: to bring around, to bring over, to fetch over
Пример: I like when guests come over early and get their fiends round, and we chop veggies and talk and play music. (John Stamos)
6) распространяться, становиться известным
Синонимы: to go about, to spread out, to span
Пример: It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded make gossip get round, for they speak of persons instead of things. (Lawrence G. Lovasik)
7) обойти, избежать, преодолеть
Синонимы: to evade, to avoid, to bypass, to overcome
Пример: Satellite broadcasting makes it possible for information-hungry residents of many closed societies to get round state-controlled television channels. (Rupert Murdoch)
Проверьте себя: Google, Microsoft and Yahoo should be developing new technologies to get round
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Комментарии (6)