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1) строить, возводить, воздвигать
Синонимы: to erect, to build, to construct
Пример: Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. (Robert Frost)
2) (with smb/smth) мириться c кем-либо/чем-либо, сносить, терпеть что-либо, примириться, выносить
Синонимы: to bear, to stand, to tolerate, to endure
Пример: People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Bill Watterson)
3) показывать, выставлять, вывешивать (a notice, an advertisement, a sign), вешать на стену, (for sale) выставлять на продажу
Синонимы: to pitch, to set out, to display, to expose, to post up
Пример: The journalists have constructed for themselves a little wooden chapel, which they also call the Temple of Fame, in which they put up and take down portraits all day long and make such a hammering you can't hear yourself speak. (G.C. Lichtenberg)
There's no point in burying a hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site. (Sydney Harris)
4) (for) баллотироваться, выставлять свою кандидатуру (на выборах)
Синонимы: to be put to the vote, to run for
Пример: Three names were put up for election, Sir Edwin's heading the list. But just as the voting was about to begin a messenger from the King arrived. (Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall)
5) повышать (price, cost, rate, rent, salary, wages, interest rates)
Синонимы: to raise, to boost, to increase
Пример: Landlords put up rent by 20 or 30 per cent just to avoid evicting people through a legal process. (Channel 4)
6) консервировать
Синоним: to can
Пример: I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month. (Harlan Miller)
7) организовать, устроить, затеять, задумать, провернуть, приготовить лекарство по рецепту (a prescription)
Синонимы: to engage in, to carry on, to arrange, to organize, to make out
Пример: From my point of view, a book is a literary prescription put up for the benefit of someone who needs it. (S.M. Crothers)
Remember those walls I built?
Well baby they're tumbling down.
And they didn't even put up a fight,
They didn't even make a sound. – с этих строк начинается песня “Halo ” Beyoncé.
8) ставить (пьесу); разыгрывать из себя
Синонимы: to stage, to produce
Пример: When people are taken out of their depths they lose their heads, no matter how charming a bluff they may put up. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
9) приютить, разместить, дать ночлег; останавливаться, размещаться (где-либо), переночевать
Синонимы: to shelter, to accommodate; to stay, to be quartered / accommodated
Пример: Some of the hotels I've been put up in for work in Scotland have been shockingly bad. They're the type of hotel where the bedroom is like a cell and the Internet doesn't work. I feel quite aggrieved at that because you should at least be treated reasonably well and have basic comfort. (Robert Winston)
10) финансировать, вкладывать деньги, инвестировать, субсидировать, делать капиталовложения
Синонимы: to fund, to invest
Пример: The CIO put up half a million dollars for Roosevelt's 1936 campaign and provided him with an immense group of active labor workers who played a large part in the sweeping victory he won at the polls. (John T. Flynn)
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