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Перевод в косвенную речь в английском: играем в Reported Speech

Для того, чтобы освоить косвенную речь, недостаточно просто знать правила. Необходимо практиковать полученные знания, чтобы максимально закрепить результат.

Именно поэтому большинство преподавателей используют различные игры, чтобы студентам было легко и интересно.

Reported speech — это тема, требующая дополнительного внимания. Во-первых, нужно знать, что, когда мы хотим выразить мысли другого человека по-английски, нам нужно «сместить» само время на один шаг назад. Так, если предложение в Present Simple, нам нужно использовать Past Simple. Посмотрите на таблицу ниже:

am/is → wasdo/does → didwill → would
are → werehave/has → hadcan → could
go/know/want/like/may → went/knew/wanted/liked/might

Обратите внимание, что некоторые модальные глаголы тоже изменяются:

can could
must had to

Но есть и те, которые остаются без изменения:

could could
might might
should should
ought toought to

Перевод в косвенную речь в английском

Теперь, когда Вы уже освоили все тонкости Reported Speech, мы предлагаем поиграть в игру под названием What did you say?

Что для этого нужно?

Прежде всего, нужна компания друзей, которая готова будет принять правила игры. Они просты: первый человек говорит фразу, второй переспрашивает, что он сказал, первый, используя косвенную речь, перестраивает предложение. Выглядит это примерно так:

- Do you like watching TV?
- What did you say?
- I asked if you liked watching TV?
- Yes, I do.
- What’s your favourite TV channel?

Ниже мы предложим ряд вопросов, которые Вы можете использовать для игры:

  • Do you like going to the cinema?
  • What are you doing at the weekend?
  • Have you ever sung in public?
  • How long have been learning English?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • What were you doing yesterday at 5.50pm?
  • Do you think you will get married?
  • Are you going to learn a new language?
  • Do you wish you were famous?
  • Who is your favourite actor?
  • What are you doing this evening?
  • Have you ever fallen in love?
  • How long have you been living here?
  • Did you watch a good movie last weekend?
  • Were you watching TV yesterday at 7.45pm?
  • Will you have children?
  • What are you going to do next Monday?
  • Where do you like spending your holidays?

Вы можете придумать собственные вопросы и разнообразить их использованием всех времен английского языка. Это будет не только интересно, но и полезно. Можно с уверенностью сказать, что после такой игры тема «Reported Speech» будет усвоена на отлично.

Помните о смещении времен:

Present SimplePast Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Past SimplePast Perfect
Present PerfectPast Perfect
Past PerfectPast Perfect
Future SimpleConditional
Will – will notWould – wouldn’t

Не забывайте об изменении следующих слов:

Today That day
Now Then
Tonight That night
Last day The day before / the previous day
yesterdayThe day before
Ago before
Last weekThe week before
Next yearThe following year
TomorrowThe next day / the following day
Here There
This That
These Those

Изучайте английский и не бойтесь совершать ошибки в речи. Как только Вы станете говорить, все ошибки отойдут на второй план. Помните, что разговор — это первый шаг к беглой речи.

Комментарии (6)

  1. Я 19 апреля 2020, 17:22 # 0
    1. Ильсаф хайруллин 22 апреля 2020, 19:06 # 0
      1 «Sit down at the table and do your homework,» said my mother to me. 2.«Don't forget to
      clean your teeth,» said granny to Helen. 3 I said to him: «How long will it take you to get
      .there?» 4 Pete said to his friends: «When are you Cleaving St. Petersburg?» 5 Nick said
      to his friend: «Will you stay at the 'Hilton'?» 6 He said to me: «Do you often go to see your
      friends?» 7 Oleg said: «My room is on the second floor. 8 He said: „I am sure she will
      ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.“9. Misha said: „I saw them at my parents'
      house last year.“ 10 He said: „I haven't seen my cousin today.“
      1. Евгений Поляков 23 декабря 2020, 11:38 # 0
        John asked, «Has anybody seen the film?»
        He asked, «Are you listening to music now?»
        She asked, «Have you been working hard on this problem?»
        She asked, «Were you in the library yesterday?»
        He asks, «Does she work now?»
        He asks, «Has she been reading this book since Monday?»
        Jane asked, «Can anybody tell me what you have been discussing all the time?»
        He asked, «Will you be at Nick and Carol’s party tonight?»
        1. Евгений Поляков 23 декабря 2020, 11:45 # 0
          John asked, «Has anybody seen the film?»
          He asked, «Are you listening to music now?»
          She asked, «Have you been working hard on this problem?»
          She asked, «Were you in the library yesterday?»
          He asks, «Does she work now?»
          He asks, «Has she been reading this book since Monday?»
          Jane asked, «Can anybody tell me what you have been discussing all the time?»
          He asked, «Will you be at Nick and Carol’s party tonight?»
          1. Рррррр 26 января 2021, 13:58 # 0
            1 Reported Speech
            Present simple — Past simple
            11. He said: I'm going to earn more money
            12. They said: we are twins
            13. He asked: don't read this article!
            14. I sked: do you want to go with me?
            15. Pupils said: we like to read about Shakespeare
            16. Bill said: my father is a glove — maker
            17. Teacher asked: show me your presentation.
            18. Bella wondered: do you really speak French?
            19. Aurora and Rick said: we will join you later
            20. I asked: send me this document!
            1. раяна 27 января 2021, 11:30 # 0
              1. Fasc0nt 16 мая 2021, 16:01 # 0
                Мy father was out of the workshop almost before Mr. Hazell had finished speaking. Не came up to the window of the car and placed his hands оп it. «I don't like you speaking to my son like that,» he said. His voice was dangerously soft. «Yоu had nо reason to threaten him,» my father went on. «Не had done nothing wrong. Next time yоu threaten someone why don't yоu pick оп а person your own size,» my father said. «Like me, for instance.»

                Mr. Hazell did not look at him. Не sat quite still in the seat of his Rolls-Rоyсе, his tiny piggy eyes staring straight ahead.

                «Now go away, please,» my father said. «We do not wish to serve you.» Не took the key from my hand and threw it through the window. The Rolls-Royce drove away fast in а cloud of dust. А silence fell between us. «I'll tell you something interesting» my father said at last. «The shooting season starts on Saturday. It always starts оп the first of October,» hе said. ''And every year Mr. Hazell celebrates the day bу giving а big shooting party. It is а very famous event, Danny, that shooting party of Mr. Hazell's."
                Онлайн-занятия английским языком
                с репетитором
                время и деньги
                когда и где удобно